June 2021 Newsletter

Chairman’s Corner

 Bowls at Killara

The Bridge Club is holding a major event this coming weekend when they have requested the full use of our Club.  This gives us the opportunity to further our relationship with the Killara Bowling Club by playing bowls there on Saturday 19 June. There will be no bowls at Lindfield Rollers on Saturday, 19 June … all bowls will be at Killara on that day. All bowling members are encouraged to participate and put their names on the list displayed at the club. If you are unsure of playing until Saturday, you can ring our Club’s number 0482 533 088 and book in for a game then. As Killara is hosting, they will be collecting green fees which are $20. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friendships.

New Members

At last week’s meeting, the Board approved 14 bowling and 7 social applications for membership.  This very gratifying and will go some way to replacing members that we will inevitably lose this year.

New Real Estate Agency Sponsorship

Thanks to the efforts of Gerry Ryman, the Club has a new real estate sponsor, Atlas by LJ Hooker.  They recently opened a new office on the Pacific Highway at Lindfield next to the Bendigo Bank. If you are in need of real estate services, please give them consideration.  Further information can be found at www.atlas.com.au

Monday Bowls

Please keep in mind the Club offers Mufti Mondays bowls between 2-4pm.  The bar is open for a friendly drink afterward.  It is only $10.  Ring in between 1:00-1:30 for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Roger Parks


We have entered two teams in this year’s Zone Reserve Triples competition which is scheduled to start on Saturday, 3 July. The teams are: Rob Duthie, Ian Holden & Paul Goodwin and Willie Mok, Ian Kimmorley & Phil Lewis.


The finals of both the Mens’ and Women’s Major Singles competitions are scheduled for Wednesday, 23 June. In the Men’s competition Phil Lewis will be up against Neil Gosbell whilst the Women’s competition will see Monika Fluckiger playing Lap Chen. This is Monika’s third final in a row, having been the runner-up on the previous two occasions.

The Club Fours competition is progressing well but it is vital that all participants be mindful of keeping to the timing schedule.

The draw for the Club Triples has now been conducted and can be viewed at 2021ClubTriples.pdf (lindfieldrollers.com.au)

Please arrange your matches as soon as possible so that we can keep to the appointed schedule.


This year’s Mid-Week Challenge will commence on Wednesday, 11 August. We have entered one side in each of Grade C and Grade D. This competition will be 3-bowl triples but, in a departure from previous years, matches will be played as 2 x 9 end sets with a tie breaker if required. More information is to follow. 


This event was held on Friday, 21 May (the only rainy day during a 3-week period). Despite the less than ideal weather everything went off well and the club’s bank account is as a result about $1200 better off. The overall winners were a team from Seaforth/Dee Why  with the runners-up being a team from West Pymble.

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Winners: George McClelland, Col Freeman & Peter Cole

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Runners-Up: Adam Yager, Alan McMaster & Chris Colley


All members are encouraged to both “like” and join our facebook group and let your friends and acquaintances know about it. The link to the page is:-

Lindfield Rollers Sydney NSW | Groups | Facebook 


Having been delayed for over a year due to Covid-19 restrictions our seafood lunch is finally going ahead. It will now be held at the clubhouse on Sunday, 27 June commencing from noon. The lunch will include a Prawn/Oyster (as you indicated) platter with salads and bread roll. Quality wines will be available for purchase at $20 a bottle. Free seating on tables of 6.


We have booked the function room at the Roseville Golf Club for our club’s Christmas lunch on Sunday 12 December so mark this date in your diary. More information will be available closer to the time.


Invoices for the 2021/2022 year have now been issued to all members. Please note that these invoices are payable by no later than 30 June so if you have not already sorted this out please attend to it ASAP. Remember green fees go up to $20 from 1 July. 


*Enter and leave the green by your rink number and use the footpaths – do not walk across the green.

*Do not drop your bowls on the green.

*When you walk to the other end, move in the centre of the rink and do it quickly enough to maintain the continuity of the game. Remember that others have yet to bowl.

*Never complain about the green. As a well-known greenkeeper said: If someone complains to me about the green I always ask “How much did you lose by?”


As a result of recent success in obtaining a Federal Government grant we will shortly be installing new boundary markers and rink numbers on all three greens. These new markers sit flush with the ditch wall and should hopefully reduce the risk of people tripping over or kicking the markers.


Our club is teaming up with the organisers of the “That Great Market” to hold their market at our club on Sunday, 19 September. This event will be a big community day and will be widely promoted in the hope of attracting large numbers of people to our club. It is hoped that we will derive a number of new members as a result of this initiative.


Gary Forster recently skipped a team in the Seafood at Seaforth day. They won both their games but were not placed amongst the prize winners. Ian Holden and Phil Lewis participated in the Harbord Pairs carnival at Harbord over the Saturday and Sunday of the long weekend where they won 3 of their 6 games and were placed in the top half of the 42 teams entered. The photo below shows one end where Phil had three bowls all resting against the jack … after the photo was taken Phil then drew a fourth shot.

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Lorraine and Gary Forster have been formulating a coaching program to introduce new members to our club. It is envisaged that the course will run over a six-week period. The approach that Gary and Lorraine have been working on sounds very exciting and is a departure from our previous recruitment attempts. We are looking forward to great things from this initiative and thank the Forsters for all their work leading up to this and of course for their efforts to come.


Our women will be hosting this annual event on Friday, 16 July. This is always a great day, attracting teams from a number of clubs, and also helps generate significant funds for our club.

A blonde and a redhead have a ranch. They have just lost their bull. The women need to buy another, but only have $500. The redhead tells the blonde, "I will go to the market and see if I can find one for under that amount. If I can, I will send you a telegram." She goes to the market and finds one for $499. Having only one dollar left, she goes to the telegraph office and finds out that it costs one dollar per word. She is stumped on how to tell the blonde to bring the truck and trailer. Finally, she tells the telegraph operator to send the word "comfortable." Skeptical, the operator asks, "How will she know to come with the trailer from just that word?" The redhead replies, "She's a blonde so she reads slow: 'Come for ta bull.'"



July 2021 Newsletter


May 2021 Newsletter