July 2021 Newsletter


This day was scheduled for Saturday, 19 June but unfortunately had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. Hopefully we can manage to re-schedule this event for later in the year.


We have entered two teams in this year’s Zone Reserve Triples competition which was scheduled to start on Saturday, 3 July. The teams are: Rob Duthie, Ian Holden & Paul Goodwin and Willie Mok, Ian Kimmorley & Phil Lewis. Due to the Covid lockdown this competition has been postponed but will hopefully be rescheduled for soon after the lockdown is over.


The finals of both the Mens’ and Women’s Major Singles competitions were played on Wednesday, 23 June. In the Men’s competition Neil Gosbell outplayed Phil Lewis to take out the Club Champion title for this year.

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The Women’s competition saw Monika Fluckiger defeat Lap Chen.

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All remaining club competitions have been put on hold until we see the end of the current lockdown.


This year’s Mid-Week Challenge is set to commence on Wednesday, 11 August (subject to any covid restrictions that may be in place at that time). We have entered one side in each of Grade C and Grade D. This competition will be 3-bowl triples but, in a departure from previous years, matches will be played as 2 x 9 end sets with a tie breaker if required. More information is to follow.


All members are encouraged to both “like” and join our facebook group and let your friends and acquaintances know about it. The link to the page is:-

Lindfield Rollers Sydney NSW | Groups | Facebook


Having been delayed for over a year due to Covid-19 restrictions our seafood lunch has once again had to be postponed, this time to 26 September.


We have booked the function room at the Roseville Golf Club for our club’s Christmas lunch on Sunday 12 December so mark this date in your diary. More information will be available closer to the time.


If you have not paid your Annual Subscriptions for the 2021/2022 year please attend to it ASAP otherwise your membership may lapse


*Possession of the rink belongs to the team whose bowl is being played. The players in possession of the rink should not be interfered with, annoyed, or have their attention distracted in any way by their opponents.”

*Stand well behind the mat or the head, keeping still and quiet while others are delivering their bowls.

*Questions, information or instructions should only be exchanged while you have ‘possession of the rink’ – as soon as your bowl comes to rest, ‘possession of the rink’ is transferred to the opposing player or team.


Our women had scheduled this annual event for Friday, 16 July but, fairly obviously, it had to be postponed due to the lockdown. A new date of 6 August has been tentatively scheduled but cannot be confirmed at this point in time. This is always a great day, attracting teams from a number of clubs, and also helps generate significant funds for our club.


By the time we return to bowls after this lockdown our new boundary markers and rink numbers should have been deployed on all three greens. These new markers sit flush with the ditch wall and should hopefully reduce the risk of people tripping over or kicking the markers.

We have also organised for new jack markers and bowl-in-the-ditch markers. All our new “rink furniture” should really help give the club a lift and make things look far more professional. 

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Our club is teaming up with the organisers of the “That Great Market” to hold their market at our club later this year. The date cannot be firmed at this stage due to the current lockdown but is likely to be in October. This event will be a big community day and will be widely promoted in the hope of attracting large numbers of people to our club. It is hoped that we will derive a number of new members as a result of this initiative.

Coupled with this event, our coaches including Lorraine and Gary Forster will be starting a “Coaching Clinic” which will run over a six session timeframe. This initiative sounds very exciting and has enormous potential. Once out of lockdown, we will commence promoting the clinic across the local area, targeting specific groupings and locations.


I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank goodness, I still have my driver's licence.

I feel like my body has become totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my exercise gear on, the class was over.

What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a senior? If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.

You don't stop laughing because you grow old, 

You grow old because you stop laughing!

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August 2021 Newsletter


June 2021 Newsletter