May 2021 Newsletter

Chairman’s Corner

Unification Meeting

The Extraordinary General Meeting to vote on the unification of the men’s and women’s bowls associations will be held on Saturday 22 May at 11:30am.  Information about the unification can be found at  Your Board endorses the proposed unification and encourages members to attend the general meeting and vote yes.


Due to amazing efforts of Arnold Green and Phil Lewis, the Club has received grants totalling over $22,000 to replace all the foldaway shades and provide new rink equipment including 96 ditch mounted boundary markers and ditch mounted rink numbers.  These will smarten up our greens and complement our wonderful outdoor area.

Beginner Bowlers Coaching Clinic

This new program developed by Lorraine and Gary Forster will bring a much more structured approach to introducing new members to bowls and our Club.  There will be a detailed briefing to members in the coming week.

Community Day

Plans are underway for the Club to hold a Community Day on Sunday, 19 September as a means of attracting new members and making locals aware of our wonderful club. Stall holders, from the market held regularly at the East Lindfield Community Centre, will be setting up their stalls on the grassed area closest to the street, west of Greens 1 & 2.  Additional attractions are planned.

Please put the date in your diary and let Paul Goodwin know if you would like to help out on the day.  We will need volunteers to help with adult and children’s bowls as well as other activities.

This is an exciting initiative which will hopefully lead to new members and greater community recognition of our club.

Roger Parks


Entries are currently open for the Zone Triples competition. The entry form is displayed on the club noticeboard … we have only displayed the Reserve Grade form but if you are interested in either the Open or Senior comps please contact Phil Lewis. We will be closing off entries for this competition on about 5 June to allow time for submission to the Zone.


We are currently looking for some more coaches to help new bowlers get started. If you are interested please contact Gerry Ryman as soon as possible as he is currently arranging a course with Bowls Australia. We are also in desperate need for more people to assist with social game selections. If you are interested please contact Bruce Edwards. 


The Consistency Singles final between Roger Parks and Rob Duthie has been delayed but is now scheduled to be played on Wednesday, 19 May. The final of the Major Pairs saw Bob Paterson & Roger Parks narrowly defeat Neil Gosbell & Willie Mok in what could almost be termed as a “nail-biting finish”. A couple of the Major Singles matches are running a little behind but hopefully these will soon be played to help get things back on schedule. The Women’s Singles competition is progressing on schedule.

Entries for the Club Fours have closed and the draw can be viewed at

Please arrange your matches as soon as possible … it can be difficult to strike a date when all eight players are available so it may be necessary to arrange a substitute to ensure that the competition does not fall behind schedule. Entries for the Club Triples are now open with teams limited to a maximum of two players with handicaps of 1, 2 or 3.

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This year’s pennant season has finally come to a close for us with both our Grade 5 and Grade 7 teams each being placed third in their respective sections. Click on this link to see our final results.


We look like having two full greens for this event which is scheduled for Friday, 21 May. If you are not playing, at least try and drop in on the day to absorb some of the atmosphere. We have some great raffle prizes for which you may like to buy a ticket.


All members are encouraged to both “like” and join our facebook group and let your friends and acquaintances know about it. The link to the page is:-

Lindfield Rollers Sydney NSW | Groups | Facebook


(From Ivan Port)

Three of us who have not played bowls for some months are planning our return to Lindfield Rollers. In the photo are Mark Fisher from Double Bay BC and our former Chairman for many years greeting David Clarke, Ivan Port, David Magnussen and Ian Williamson at the Greengate Hotel on 10 May 2021.

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David Magnussen is now gently moving around since his dramatic fall and thinking about slowly returning. We wish David to make a good recovery. Ian Williamson has been rolling up and will be playing soon following his long medical absence. Ivan Port is awaiting final medical clearance since a Staph infection caused so many medical problems last October. Hopefully we will have our first game together at Lindfield Rollers and looking forward to meeting all our great friends once again. Best wishes from us all.

A new Pastor is talking to each member of the congregation to know them better.  Talking to Mr. Smith, he asks politely, "Are you married?"

"No," replies Mr. Smith, "I've two sisters at home, who look after all my needs... I am happy with that arrangement."

The Pastor: "That's all well and good, but all the sisters in the world cannot fill the role of a wife."

Mr. Smith: "I said 'two sisters'.... I didn't say they were MY sisters."


(From Garth Aston)

Having been delayed for over a year due to Covid-19 restrictions our seafood lunch is finally going ahead. It will now be held at the clubhouse on Sunday, 27 June commencing from noon. Some people that previously booked have not yet paid for their lunch … this must be done by 1 June or those reservations will be cancelled which will allow us to include others that are on a waiting list. The lunch will include a Prawn Oyster (as you indicated) platter with salads and bread roll. Quality wines will be available for purchase at $20 a bottle. Free seating on tables of 6 suggest you come early to mark your territory.

We have booked the function room at the Roseville Golf Club for our club’s Christmas lunch on Sunday 12 December so mark this date in your diary. More information will be available closer to the time.


A day out is being organised with the details as follows:-


Trip to Rookwood Cemetery – 2 hour tour of Historical Sydney Landmark

27 seat coach leaving Dougherty Centre Chatswood at 9.00 am.

Followed by lunch at bustling Cabramatta

Shopping included if you feel like a stroll after lunch

Approx. $20 per person (lunch at own expense)


RSVP    Marlene Black   9958-6507 or 0480 264 237

Or        Margaret Bloxham        9417 4151

(Bring your friends, partners, etc)


Past member Pat Pierson moved to the Bowral area a little over a year ago. News has come through that Pat recently won her District Senior Pairs competition.


Please keep Willie Mok or Lois Chambers informed about any members that are unwell.


We were sad to hear that Peter Hawse passed away recently at the age of 91. Peter had not bowled for some years but was probably one of the best bowlers the Lindfield club had. Peter had a number of State titles to his name and had also represented NSW on numerous occasions.


We are still hopeful that our proposed amalgamation with Killara will proceed with a further vote likely later in the year. It has been identified that one of the concerns of Killara members was that they did not really know us. Accordingly, we have arranged a Friendship Day at Killara BC on Saturday, 19 June when we would like as many of our members as possible to play bowls at Killara where we can try to make as many friends as possible on the day in the hope of encouraging a more positive result when it comes to their vote. Coinciding with this day, the Bridge Club will be hosting a large Bridge Tournament and accordingly we will be allowing them exclusive use of the club on that day. There will be no bowls at Lindfield Rollers on Saturday, 19 June … all bowls will be at Killara on that day. Closer to the time we will circulate an expression of interest sheet amongst members to identify those members that will be attending and to help with selections on the day. Please note that we see this event as an important step towards trying to encourage the amalgamation and accordingly we would like to see a high level of participation from our members. It is also planned that we will host a reciprocal day at our club at a later date when Killara members will be encouraged to play at our club so they can gain a better understanding of the facilities that we have on offer.


We still have a small stock of club fleecy vests and jackets available for purchase. If you are interested speak to Brian at the bar to discover if we have your size available. 


A member of our club recently had his AstraZeneca vaccination but on his way home from having his “jab” he noticed that his vision was blurred. Upon arriving home he contacted the vaccination centre to find out whether this side-effect was something to worry about and if he should contact his GP or maybe even go to the hospital. The nurse at the vaccination centre advised him to come straight back to the centre to pick up his glasses.


June 2021 Newsletter