November 2021 Newsletter

From the President …

Return to Bowls

It was great to see all the familiar faces and visitors from Killara at bowls once COVID restrictions and the weather allowed us back on the greens. 

Don’t forget Monday bowls from 2-4pm. Ring in 1-1:30pm.

General Meetings 30 October

It was also great to see 54 members attending the annual general meeting on 30 October.

It is very satisfying that members make the effort to come along and support the work of the Board.


The Club relies on several committees to make sure it is effectively managed.  These are:

Joint Liaison Committee (Bowls)

Marianne Coningsby

Lorraine Forster

Phil Lewis

Gerry Ryman

Bob Silversides

House & Catering

Liz Hollister

Ian Kimmorley

Willie Mok

Rob Stutchbury

Promotion Committee

Paul Goodwin

Gerry Ryman 

Greens & Property

Gay Forster

Barrie Jones


Garth Aston

Willie Mok

Please speak with these people if you have any thoughts about improving the Club’s activities.

Bridge Club

The Bridge Club is back in full swing, and the clubhouse is now in use five days a week. 

Club Improvements

Barrie Jones and Gary Forster are very active making improvements to the facilities.  The stone flagging at the front has been cleaned and repairs to the stonework will be underway shortly.

Green 3 is receiving some major attention.  The trees in the south-east corner have been trimmed to allow in more sunlight, a contractor has been engaged to repair the timber railing fence and new bowls rests on top of the banks will be installed following a new course of brickwork being laid.  The underside of the ramp leading from the clubhouse to Green 3 has some concrete spalling which will be repaired shortly. Arnold Green has applied for a grant to replace the old wooden seats with aluminium ones.

Upcoming Events

Saturday 27 November

Roseville Shield at Lindfield

Social Bowls at Killara

Tuesday 30 November

Men’s Club Christmas Lunch

Greengate Hotel

Wednesday 8 December

Women’s Club Christmas Lunch

Greengate Hotel

Saturday 18 December

Club Presentation Day

Roger Parks


What’s been happening?

The last of our competitions for this very disrupted year are the Club Fours and Club Triples, which are both getting down to the pointy end. In the Fours, Team Silversides will face Team Lewis on November 20th. The triples final will follow in early December.

It was great to see Ivan Port and David Magnussen back at bowls recently, after long absences due to injury.

The Club’s Annual General Meeting was held successfully on Saturday, 30 October 2021. All motions were passed by a show of hands.

Just prior to the AGM, a special EGM was held at which the subject was the proposed amalgamation with Killara Bowling Club. The proposal was well supported and passed unanimously.

The ayes have it!

Congratulations to Lorraine Forster on her recent election as President of the Lindfield Rollers Women’s Bowling Club. A popular choice of someone who is already contributing a great deal to the success of bowls at Lindfield.

Please see Lorraine’s note regarding the Rookies Bowling Clinic below.


Eighteen 2020/2021 New LRBC Members attended Week 1 of the 2021 Rookies’ Bowling Clinic held on 1st November,2021.  The clinic is being held over three weeks on 1st, 8th, 15th November.  The clinic welcomed Julie Dunne from Killara Bowling Club who ably assisted the organisers during the first week’s session.

While enjoying a coffee and cookie, the group discussed:  

  • What is a Rookie?

  • Bowls Clothing

  • Equipment

  • Annual LRBC internal competitions.

The group then proceeded onto the greens to discuss:

  • “All there is to know about Mat Placement and Delivering the Jack”

  • Mat placement e.g., by whom; distance from rear ditch etc.

  • Delivering the jack e.g., distance, out-of-bounds etc.

  • The session ended with everyone playing a few ends of bowls together in a very social atmosphere.

Week 2 covers “All there is to know about Playing 2nd / 3rd plus discussing Pennants & Carnivals etc.

Week 3 will cover “All there is to know about Playing Skip” plus Structure of the Club; Green care and maintenance etc.  

Missing from photo:   Denise Cale; Kerry Stirton; Gillian Stegmann

May we remind all members to introduce partners, friends, neighbours and your friends from other interest groups to join our New Bowler’s Clinics being held throughout the year. Please check the website for more information and an enrolment form for the clinic.

The perils of complaining …

On reaching his seat in the plane a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. After take-off he asks the stewardess for a coffee, whereupon the parrot squawks "And get me a whisky you cow!" The stewardess, flustered, brings back a whisky for the parrot and forgets the coffee.

When this omission is pointed out to her the parrot drains its glass and bawls "And get me another whisky you idiot". Quite upset, the girl comes back shaking with another whisky but still no coffee.

Unaccustomed to such slackness the man tries the parrot's approach "I've asked you twice for a coffee, now go and get it or I'll kick you".

The next moment, both he and the parrot have been wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards. Plunging downwards the parrot turns to him and says:

"I think you complain too much … for someone who can't fly!”

Do the arithmetic (without using a screen): 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 =?

·      A truck carrying a load of tortoises crashed into a trainload of terrapins – it was a turtle disaster!

·      My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.

Looking ahead …

The 19th running of the Roseville Shield is set for Saturday, 27th November. This is a major event in the Zone’s calendar and we are anticipating a good representation of other clubs. Social bowls for Lindfield bowlers for that date only will be relocated to Killara, courtesy of the Killara Bowling Club.

For those who have been hanging out for a plate of oysters, or a pod of prawns, the good news is that the much-deferred Seafood Lunch is to take place finally at the club on Sunday, 12th December. This highly anticipated event will now double as our official Christmas function.


Everyone (including partners) attending the seafood lunch will need to have their vaccination certificate recorded to be admitted. Most if not all bowlers have already done this, but few if any partners will have done so. So please be sure to come prepared to comply with this requirement (unless it is scrapped by the Government before then). If convenient, you can supply the partner certificate to Willie Mok beforehand (or leave it at the bar with Liz or Brian). Extra marshals will be on hand on the day to facilitate the check in process.

Both the Men’s and Women’s clubs will be holding separate gatherings to mark the end of an extraordinary year. The men will meet for lunch at the Greengate Hotel in Killara from 12 noon on Tuesday, 30th November.

The women are also going to the Greengate for lunch from 12 noon on Wednesday, 8th December.

Our club Presentation Day is scheduled for Saturday, 18 December. Normal bowls will be played on that day, until 4.00pm, and will be followed by presentations to the winners of our club competitions.

From the Bowls Secretary …

Pennants next year will be rather different from what we have experienced in recent years (pre-Covid anyway). Here’s the current situation as we know it:

Ø  Bowls NSW Ltd are changing over their programming to align with the financial year and accordingly the 2021 competitions that are yet to be completed have been extended to finish by 30 June 2022.

Ø  There will be separate Men’s and Women’s pennant competitions, each to be held in the second half of 2022. Our Zone will be conducting the Men’s pennant season over a 6 week period instead of the previous 10 week period. There will also be an Open Gender pennant competition held in the first half of 2023.

Ø  Men’s Pennants have traditionally been conducted across 7 grades with Grade 1 being a Premier League type of competition. The 2022 competition will see only 4 Divisions with Division 1 being the same as the previous Grade 1 (Premier League). Division 2 will encompass the previous Grade 2 & Grade 3 pennants; Division 3 will encompass the previous Grade 4 & Grade 5 pennants; Division 4 will encompass the previous Grade 6 & Grade 7 pennants.

Ø  Eligibility for the 2022 President’s Reserve Grade competitions will be based upon 2021 pennant gradings.

Ø  The Zone Reserve Triples competition that was scheduled to be played in July this year has now been rescheduled for late February 2022 and entries have been extended to close in January 2022.


Greetings to you all and welcome to my first attempt at compiling our Newsletter. I am on a steep learning curve so please forgive any omissions or mistakes. You can expect this missive to evolve further in the months ahead, especially if you all do your part and send me material for inclusion. In the meantime, consider it a work in progress. Send your contributions to:

“Just because nobody complains doesn’t mean all parachutes are perfect” - Benny Hill


December 2021 Newsletter


October 2021 Newsletter